
/ Moving in: Cleaning house

As you may have noticed, the site looks a little different. My focus was primarily the layout and structure of the pages rather than the design—though one could argue that they go hand in hand, I am nonetheless taking a phased approach.

The main thing that I wanted to accomplish was to do away with the clutter. There was just too much stuff in the sidebar. So I took all of the links—like blogroll links etc…— and put them into their own page, likewise with the archives/categories as well as the syndication links (see navigation above). I also wanted to let the text breath so I introduced a lot of white-space. It isn’t much to look at I know. But it’s a start on which I’ll be able to build slowly.

Your feedback is always appreciated.

Update: I’ve noticed that certain pages such as the single post page—I know, I know, it’s the most important one but I only realised it at 2AM after having worked on the rest of the site until then—and the search results page were all but ignored in my little redesign. I’ll try and get them fixed up real soon. Please bear with me as I get this thing done. :-)


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