
/ Things I’d like to do…

A pocket watch…if I could only find the time! Among other things I would,

  1. Research and then write meaningful, useful, well thought out articles/posts based on hard data and references
  2. Redo my home page
  3. Improve my site’s semantics
  4. Improve my site’s CSS
  5. Simplify my site’s design
  6. Write a book on Web Standards
  7. Write a novel in the techno-thriller genre (some of my writing)
  8. Code a few web apps kicking around in my head
  9. Develop a few microformats kicking around in my head
  10. Write a bunch of JavaScripts kicking around in my head
  11. Invent the next big thing on the web ;-)

What would you do? Or do you have the time, in which case what are you doing?


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